Sunday, April 13, 2008

Oh, what a week to start!

So this week would have been busy enough for me without it being SU Radio's inaugural week, but I was so grateful for the chance to get started that nothing could have kept me away from procrastinating my hours away at the studio. I keep saying this but I really believe that being goofy and depriving myself of sleep into the wee hours there kept me sane.

It turns out I have perhaps an ounce of the oodles of natural radio talent and charisma I witnessed in Liz W., host of the "That's Depressing" News half hour every weekday morning, who sounds like she was pretty much born to be an NPR reporter, and Katy S. and Rob, who amaze me with their blatant comfort in front of the mics.

SU Radio moment of the week: the noise party Friday afternoon with Vickie, Josh, Jeff... I don't remember who else was there but I really wish I had had a camera. It was the most jubilant sight to see people jumping around the room with cow bells, maracas, and other percussive noisemaking instruments Josh brought in. Kaitlyn, Andrea and I walked in for a minute and Kaitlyn even recited this poem in Old English she has memorized from high school. It was insane. I think it will be a weekly event, which is exciting.

As expected, SAM, our broadcasting software, has been acting a little screwy, but hopefully these are glitches that will be smoothed out as we go.

The biggest issues have been figuring out how best to promote the station, what people want to hear, and setting up fair computer / music usage rules.

Listening to feedback has been so helpful. I hope more listeners will put in their two cents, and spread the word. And I hope we will get a ton more people to apply to be DJs next semester, now that we're an established entity (soon-to-be student organization too, we hope, hah).

And now I have to stop pretending my life revolves around SU Radio. Tune into Kaitlyn's and my show, The More You Know, this Tuesday from 2-4 p.m.

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